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Thursday, December 30, 2010

An accident recipe for burnt caramel pie with chocolate chip cookie crust

I've been with family this holiday season, been to Orlando (one can eat theme park food only for so long, anyone ever actually count how many chicken nuggets they consumed while theme parking??), Daytona Beach (mall food), and been cooking up a storm for gifts, parties, and gatherings. Whew, I need a vacation.

I was supposed to bring chocolate chip cookies to my friend and mentor at work, but got distracted with phone calls, mismeasured the amount of flour, and ended up with a strange, crispy type chocolate chip cookie pieces (at least it was Ghirardelli chocolate).  So I made a pie; but wait, it gets better.  I did not have regular sugar (I don't consume it much or cook with it at home); all I had was organic brown turbinado sugar.  Again, the distractions - while wrapping gifts (don't do this while you are making a custardy pie filling at the same time!), I almost burnt the vanilla custard/cream filling for the pie. It ended up tasting like burnt caramel almost creme bruleeish (not too shabby) so I pressed the cookie pieces in my pie mold, filled it with the caramel custard/cream, and chilled it. 

Crossing my fingers, I gave the pie as my Christmas gift and turned out to be a big hit! Who knew? I also dug up an old school rocky road candy recipe.  1 stick of butter, 12 oz bag of Ghirardelli chocolate chips, 1 cup of chopped pecans, and 1 cup of marshmallows.  Melt chocolate and butter in double broiler on low (be very careful NOT to burn the chocolate).  When cooled to room temp, mix in pecans and marshmallows.  Chill at least for 4 hours or overnight.  Cut up and serve or give away as gifts.  Or keep it to yourself.  I won't tell.

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